Kunci Jawaban UTBK SBMPTN 2022, Materi Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Pembahasan

- 6 April 2022, 19:49 WIB
 Ilustrasi kerjakan soal SBMPTN
Ilustrasi kerjakan soal SBMPTN /pexels.com/pixabay

KABAR BESUKI – Kunci jawaban Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer (UTBK) SBMPTN tahun 2022 untuk materi Bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan pembahasannya.

SBMPTN atau Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri akan segera dilaksanakan dalam waktu dekat ini. Bekali dirimu dengan latihan soal-soal yang ada di artikel ini.

Sebagaimana dilansir Kabar Besuki dari Hendra Bakti, selaku mentor di bimbel online di Indonesia, pada Rabu, 6 April 2022, latihan soal UTBK SBMPTN tahun 2022 untuk materi Bahasa Inggris.

Baca Juga: Pengumuman SNMPN 2022 Keluar dan Simak Cara Cek Namamu

Berikut adalah contoh soalnya.

Questions 1-2 refer to the following passage.

United States citizens have always had a problem relating to the colonial period of their history. They have often thought that earlier period to be less relevant, less historically significant, than the later national period of their history.

For many, the colonial era lacks seriousness; it seems trivial and antique and shrouded in nostalgia. For much of United States history, popular opinion has considered the century and a half of the colonial period to be simply a quaint prolog to the main story that followed the American Revolution.

In part this is because the colonial period has become a natural source of folklore and mythmaking. Since the United States, unlike older Western nations, lacks a misty past in which the historical record is remote and obscure, people have tended to transform authentic historical figures and events of the colonial past into mythical characters and legends.


Editor: Yayang Hardita





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